High protein food and protein dites

High protein food and protein dites

A diet protein have high benifit for your body and its help to build and repair of muscles of your body. bodybuilder have highest amount of protein to build a body and its also need of protein their diets .A high protein is most  important to retain muscle mass, which help to get best and healthy life. protein was present in every part of our body in the form of enzymes. the most and best followed by people and its accepted daily intake of protein 0.8 gram of protein per kg of your body weight

  • Protein making the building if organs, skin, muscles, hormones and make good looking all thinghs that matter in your body 

  • You should eat high protein in everyday in your life 

  • A high quality protein has also help to low blood pressure and fight to diabetes and much more

  • I recommended daily intake (RDI) for protein is 56g for men and 46g for women

Here is the best high protein food and protein dites 

  • Almonds
It is a nuts that have high protein in this nuts and its was very help to improve your protein lave of your body and good for dite. here is the detail of Almonds and protein level of nuts its is good for our body and I recommended you intake every day in morning so you gave a high protein and good for health 

Protein content:- 13% and calories 6 g per ounce 28g with 161 calories

There are many nuts avilable in market like 
Pistachios (13% of C) and cashews (11% of C)

  • Chicken
It is a non-veg and its have high protein and its also help to improve you body protein and it have many dishes avilable in resturents and hotel it is one of the favirate food for all people who have non-veg.

Here is the chiken protein lavel and othe details.
Protein content:-80% of C. A rosted chiken without skin contain 53 g with 284 C

  • Oats

Its is good and healthy diets for all people these is the best food for childern if you are a parent then make sure you provide oats to you child for health life its a high protein and calories. In india i recommended you use the horlick Oats for your life in eveyday in morningHere some information abouts oats and other details

Protein content:- A half cup of raw oats has 13 g with 303 c. 15% of calories in oats

  • Milk
Milk have good for your health and its a main food for weight gain or increses protein level in your body. Milk have use in all the protein powder make sure you bought a pure milk to get best result in your body. Milk is highly nutritious.

Protein content: 21% of calories. 1 cup of whole milk contains 8 grams of protein, with 149 calories. calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin (vitamin B2).

  • Egg

Egg have high protein and calories to increasses your body portein and its good for helthy dites to everyone you have to taken two egg in eveyday and its was make factor that have to incresses your body protein. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, eye-protecting antioxidants and brain nutrients.

Here is the some information about egg

Protein content:- 35% of calories in a whole egg. 1 large egg has 6 grams of protein, with 78 calories.

High protein food and protein dites High protein food and protein dites Reviewed by Avinash (BK) on June 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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